Eczema Cream for Your Face

Eczema Cream for Your Face – Examining What Works and What Doesn’t

“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.” – Saint Jerome

The face is what you present to the world. It’s how people look to define you, what people associate you with. Because of its massive importance and fixture in everyday life, it is all the more tragic when eczema rubs its grimy fingers all over your face!

The question then becomes: how do we fight back? How do we reclaim our ‘mirror of the mind’?

In this article, I’m going to outline some basic things to avoid and some basic things to look for when it comes to finding eczema cream for your face!

Dealing With Sensitive Skin

Facial epidermis is some of the most sensitive on your body. While you always want products that will be gentle with your skin, when it comes to helping your face recover from an eczema flare-up, you want an extra special dose of softness.

Because of this, there is a lot we can rule out!

The No-Fly Zone

Eczema Cream for Your Face In aviation, a no-fly zone is an area where, and I’m sure this will come as an absolute shock, no aircraft is allowed to fly. These zones are almost always constructed [and enforced] by the military.

When it comes to dealing with eczema on your face, the no-fly zone keeps out things like corticosteroid OTC creams. The trouble with these is their long-term usage can cause some terrible effects!

These are typically harsher creams that aren’t suitable for the more sensitive facial skin. They can weaken the skin and leave it more vulnerable to bacterial infection. They can also steadily require stronger and stronger doses to achieve the same effect over time, making your eczema even more resistant to treatment.

Alcohol Free

While some people are drawn to free alcohol, what you want in the skin care world is stuff that’s alcohol free. As you can imagine from its sterilizing qualities in other realms of medicine, alcohol is excellent at eliminating bacteria. The trouble with this is your skin has a lot of good bacteria – stuff we want to keep alive.

This is why we don’t want the likes of benzyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, and ethyl alcohol in our products. Always check your label to see if your potential treatment contains any sort of alcohol.

The most interesting man in the world may want you to ‘stay thirsty’, but your skin does not. Eczema cream for the face that contains alcohol is more likely to dry the skin – having the opposite effect we want when it comes to dealing with eczema.

Parabend Over Backwards to Avoid Them

Parabens are preservatives that have been a mainstay in the cosmetic industry since they first arrived on the scene in the 1950s. However, in 2004, a British study detected parabens in breast tumors. While there is not yet a definitive link to cancer, as critics of the study are fond to point out, concerned consumers are pushing for the FDA to enforce the removal of parabens from products sold in the United States, similar to what the European Union did several years ago.

What should we do in the mean time?

It’s better to play it safe. Avoid parabens and look for products without preservatives, and thus a shorter shelf life. Or, look for eczema cream for your face that offers another, safe, and all natural means of preserving itself.

Give Me the Good Stuff

You’re probably wondering what it is you’re supposed to look for. With all these harmful ingredients out there, how do you know what to choose?

The good news is: you don’t have to compromise.

You don’t need to compromise your long-term health for the sake of sating your itch short-term.

How is this possible?

The bountiful resources of nature have been lovingly collected, researched, and implemented by people like you and I who look at the lackluster options offered up by a majority of the cosmetic industry and think: can we seriously not do better than this?

Here are three quick criteria for detecting the good stuff in eczema cream for the face:

  1. Look for nature’s fingerprints. If the ingredients are all natural, that’s a really good sign.
  1. Look for creams that will hydrate your skin. One of the biggest problems with the steroid creams mentioned earlier is they focus too heavily on just reducing the inflammation and killing the itch. Their hydration game is weak! They fail to lock in the moisture! If the ingredients on the label act as a replenishing wellspring for your skin, that’s a cream you want to seriously consider!
  1. Look for skin rejuvenation. Eczema can be seriously damaging to your skin. You want something that has serious healing power. If the ingredients on the label are restorative, it’s a product worth investigating.

I’d like to think that Luveya’s eczema relief cream is the gold standard when it comes to meeting those three criteria. If you’re interested in learning more about how Luveya has drawn from nature to create a product that hydrates and rejuvenates your skin, check out this article.

Closing Remarks

When it comes to finding eczema cream for your face, there are a lot of things to avoid. Too many companies hone in on their bottom line and fail to think about the impact on the consumer. This is why it’s so important to be informed about the stuff that’s in the products you’re using.

I hope you’ve found this article educational and beneficial towards completing your search for a product that fits your skin care needs.

If you’re interested in checking out how Luveya has chosen to address the problem of eczema, including the facial variety, click on over here.